Thursday, August 5, 2010

Father and Son Day at the Beach

So, after struggling with this image for a month, I fix it in humid weather like a dummy. Now it has little tiny dark gum balls all over it. I will have to spend an hour at a time cleaning and reworking it during the next 2 to 3 months while working on other projects. The moral of this mess is to never do anything in a hurry. NEVER, NEVER, NEVER!

The drawing is 44" long x 30" high and is based on several photographs of the thousands taken on South Florida beaches. Two of the seagulls were in one photo, The sailboat in another, the father, son and chair in still another, and the sky is from still another photograph. All photographs are my own. The color is applied with individual pastel strokes rather than the standard rub and blend layering technique. Even blended areas are done with the pastel itself as the blending tool. This technique allows me to produce pastels of greater color intensity.


Betsy Grant said...

So glad to see your beautiful art again! Your description of the process of "fixing" the painting just shows the love and patience you put into your work. I know what you mean about doing things in a hurry...

matt hicks said...

it's so true! i've been pondering this phenomenon a lot the last few weeks. if you take your time on a project (no matter what it is) it's as if you save time in the end. hurrying actually takes you longer after you have to fix your mistakes. to me this is a secret to success!

Anonymous A said...

I guess I got in a hurry because it takes me so long to do these pastel paintings in the first place because I do all the individual stroking with the pastels themselves instead of all the rub, rub-a-dub-dub, rub that most pastel artists do.

You are so right, Matt!!!