Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Wave Series II, Variation #2

Wave Series II, Variation #2 (30" x 40") July 9, 2012

This extreme close-up of a wave I shot on a calm warm spring day is intriguing because the splashes look like a lava lamp. I am fascinated by the darnedest things! It's liquid - what did I expect? The wave also suggests the many days I've spent on south Florida and Mexico beaches, camera in hand, my spiritual self in ascendency.

I have another hundred or so new photos of waves taken in Rehoboth Beach this summer, and those are more violent, the colors so different from the tropical waters of the gulf stream. The challenge will be to make a close-up of a Rehoboth Beach wave that doesn't look like chocolate milk. Or perhaps it should because the color indicates that the water is full of life.